Why Does It Take Me So Long To Post?
However, even before Mercury kicked my bootie, the first couple of months of the year were pretty challenging! We have neighbors who generously share internet with us at no charge and we were not getting a regular signal from their Wi-Fi!
I am disabled and also carless at the moment so getting places to use WiFi has been challenging. Those disabilities also make me pretty slow in general! Suffice it to say, it's been a rough start to the year.
Today Facebook and Instagram had a major glitchfest world wide, and were just plain down in some places, making them the poster children for Mercury Retrograde!
I cancelled a doctor appointment that felt like a time waster. I called the dispatcher and cancelled the service that picks me up for appointments hours before I needed to, They sent a driver anyway. I read a book. I looked at pictures. I finished out a couple blog posts out of half a dozen partially written ones. And when my roommate returned from smog testing his car, I borrowed it to go out for tea and internet.
So, huzzah! TWO posts: This one and a (Hardly, almost) Daily Divine post. A spread for when you JUST CAN'T EVEN!
Mercury Retrograde is always a good prompt to take more time. Think things through, Take time out for self care, nature, a cuppa tea! Read a book. Treat yourself gently. Embrace your slothy self!
(Play hookey and go see Captain Marvel)
Like I said, I am slowly chugging away at a few more blogs. They always take me so long because of physical pain and focus problems, but even after I finish, it takes more time to add illustrations, spell check and edit, and add categories. I want them to be quality reading for you.