Tarot of Reincarnation - 9 of Spades Hoopoe
Sometimes the Best Offense
Is A Good Defensive Smell
This really is the darndest deck. The booklet that comes with these cards simply says, “Negative behavior caused in particular by the fear of failure, as well as obtaining what we wanted and the relative responsibilities. Confusion and sense of guilt.” This is really not particularly helpful. It doesn’t really relate to the typical 9 of swords meaning, nor does it match the typical interpretations of reading the 9 of spades from a regular playing card deck. In some of these cards, the chosen animal matches their prescribed definition very well, but most seem kind of arbitrary.
So, ya know what? I could memorize the meanings of these cards. I could refer to the booklet for every reading. Or, I could actually read what the Hoopoe tells me.

They are an interesting bird. They have a very striking crown, a crest of feathers that is pretty flashy and a long stabby beak. By stabby, I don’t just mean stabby looking, I mean these birds will actually stab their prey or their enemy with their face dagger! Even when they are just enjoying the sun Hoopoes excell at looking threatening. They make their tail parallel with the ground, extend their wings and point their bill up in the air. They will not only stab their dinner, they will pulverize it with a wing. Luckily for us, Hoopoes eat a lot of insects we find pesky so they are good to have around. The Hoopoe can be found in the lore and superstition of many cultures. It is often associated with death.
One of the most intriguing things about the Hoopoe is the way it will protect its home and family. The bird nests in small niches with narrow openings, usually in tree trunks or cliffs. The female emits a foul smelling secretion, like rotting meat that is not only offensive to would be prey but is antibacterial. She smears this in the nest and on the eggs so that even when she poops all over them her kids are safe. Hoopoe kids even know how to take care of themself a few days after they are born. They can send a stream of shit all over a would be predator, hiss like a nest of snakes, use their wing for a smackdown or use that face dagger.
So here is my thought for the day! If you know someone with these traits, always stay on their good side. Even on a good day they might take you out! And know that if they consider you family, they will be there for you in a fight and defend you vehemently. If you are a Hoopoe, your home is your fortress (you probably have your eye on a top of the line security system) and nobody better mess with your kids. You are fierce, formidable and helpful in many ways.
A caution though, when defensiveness is taken to the extreme it can become paranoia. Always being on the attack can drive people away and keep you from accomplishing your goals. As always, think about how you can find a balance. Empower your kids rather than falling into being an overprotective parent. Listen before you lash out. If you have a boss who is aggressive and antagonistic, try to make them feel less threatened. If you take out your own face dagger, someone is going to lose an eye!