Reading From Nature
I don’t work with angels and don’t subscribe to the meanings some have ascribed to feather colors as being messages from angels, by the way. I just love the visual and tactile beauty of organic items and for much of my life I’ve almost compulsively picked up shells, stones, feathers, twigs, buttons; anything that seemed to call to me (unless it was at a crossroads) and much of it ended up on my altars or in jars on my mantle. I feel the messages come from nature, animal spirits or my deities. Or, they could just be my mind making patterns to figure things out. No way is more or less sacred, wrong or right. Sadly, I lost most of the contents of my home in 2012 so a lifetime of collecting many wonderful things was lost.
Lately, I’ve been seeing double egg yolks. Last month I cracked a few eggs from good old, Trader Joe’s and they had double yolks. Then my roommate mentioned that every single egg in the carton had been a double yolk for him. I had cracked three from the same carton that were normal so this means eight out of a dozen were double yolked! Quick, math person; what are those odds?
Double egg yolks which happen when two yolks are close to each other when the shell forms around them. are supposed to be very rare, one in a thousand so I wasn’t sure if he was teasing. This month we bought another carton of eggs and the first one out of the dozen was a double yolk. I’m not sure that it means anything but extra protein in my case. It also may mean that the egg farm is using very young hens whose hormones haven’t balanced yet.
"OH MY GODS; a double egg yolk! What....... does it ...MEAN?"
But here’s the thing about omens. When your granny saw you crack one of these open, nodded wisely and said, “someone is about to get pregnant” or saw blood in the yolk and gasped, “someone is going to die” she was telling the truth; "someone" and "somewhere " are pretty vague and therefore, always accurate predictions. "Someone’s going to get pregnant," is one of those pronouncements that will never be wrong, along with those psychic chestnuts, "I feel that a famous person is gonna die soon," or "a big news event will happen in the world this week," or "there will be a large earthquake somewhere in the world in the next few days!" Big earthquakes happen a lot more often than we think, but the news doesn’t always cover them. People die every day. Someone, somewhere, is always getting pregnant, and chances are it will be someone you know!
I did a little research, and the portent of a double yolk varies a lot depending on what culture you hail from. Pregnancy is a big one. A double yolk can also mean, of course, TWINS! The Norse thought it was a sign of death. Some folklore says a woman who finds a double yolk will soon be engaged. It can mean fertility, prosperity or luck. I figure since the odds are normally one in a thousand we must have some incredible luck headed our way soon.
It tasted lucky.
I’ve always had mixed feelings about owls. I have had some moments when I have suddenly seen one in the wild that left me breathless. One of my coolest owl moments was a few years back when I was driving down the coast from northern California late at night. It was a raging rainstorm and the road was kind of precarious, especially when I was on the coastal winding roads. I was driving really slow because visibility was so poor. Finally, I headed inland and the rain slowed a bit. Really dark and I was still going slow. Suddenly an owl with a large wingspan came gliding past the front of my car and grabbed, probably a mouse or rat, from the brush at the side of the road and kept going into the night. If it hadn't gone right in front of my headlights I'd have never seen it. Majestic.
Do you see signs and omens everywhere? Do everyday objects or finds in nature speak to you? Do you find meaning in your dreams? Do patterns appear that others don’t see? Have you actually made your own systems for divination from found objects? I would love to hear about it.
A Podcast Recommendation: Tarot Reveries
This is fairly new and the podcaster has kept themself anonymous. It’s called, Tarot Reveries and is a splendid opportunity to get to know one card at a time in depth, but in a brief format. Each episode, there are four so far, focuses on just one card and includes a bit of interesting history or information, a description of the traditional imagery, symbolism and then you are invited to do a wonderful, short meditation with the card.
Each installment follows the order of the tarot, starting with the major arcana. So far: The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess, and The Empress each have an episode. They seem to be coming every couple of months. An episode is only about 15 minutes so you have plenty of time to catch up.
Links in the reference section. This podcast is available on podbean, apple podcasts, player fm, all the usual suspects. A lot of thought seems to have been put into crafting each episode and the narrator has a wonderful, soothing voice so I hope that it will manage to continue through the entire tarot!
Owls Symbolism:
Eggs - Science and Folklore:
Art Links: