Rebirth - The Sacred Circle Tarot
In contrast to the baron trees, at the top and bottom corners of the card holly is growing. holly, of course is an evergreen plant. (interesting fact: holly contains, theobromine, which is the chemical in chocolate that is toxic to cats and dogs.)
Perhaps it is time for a dramatic change in your thinking? Is it time to move on to a new phase in your life? Perhaps you've been stuck and are now feeling the energy to move forward with making decisions or bold changes. The things you have done in the past have brought you to the point of now. Things that may have not been clear now makes sense when you are able to look at the whole picture. You may have been through a rough journey but now you have come to a good place. Notice that the face of the sun is kind of a blank slate . The past is part of you, but now it's time for something new and fresh.