Today, I’m going to take a quick look at The Four of Wands (Wands, Rods, Koshes, Batons, Staves, etc.)
First, let's look at the number. Fours in the tarot generally represent stability. They may represent a union or a coming together of some sort. Perhaps they represent a stage of accomplishment, though still some distance from that ultimate goal, the ten of completion. It is generally something to celebrate. Wands are fire, energy, creativity and growth. (They represent a lot more than that, but let’s keep it simple!)
Here are a bunch of images of the Four of Wands from a variety of tarot decks. If you look closely at the images you will get information that will expand your reading beyond the booklet definitions. When reversed think about what in the images may add extra layers of meaning. Trust your instincts!
Share your thoughts and experiences. What's your favorite Four of Swords image? Tell me about a Four of Swords that came up in a reading that was particularly meaningful. I would love to hear about it!

Brigit Esselmont of Biddy Tarot has a lovely little article on reversals.
Another excellent resource is Aeclectic Tarot! |