The Tortured Witch (Bad Witch I)
Good Witch / Bad Witch Cards
Today's card is the first card in the bad which section of the deck. It's called the tortured witch.
We've all felt like this before. Someone is breaking our heart. They may be a cheater. They may have a substance abuse problem. They made lie to us constantly. They may just simply, not love us anymore. Maybe they died. Because of our love for the other person, or perhaps our fear of being alone, or a myriad of other reasons that play on her emotions, we do not want to let go even when we know we should. We end up in a bargaining stage. If only I could get through to them, touch their heart, make them love me. If only I had done something different. If only I could change they might change. But it never gets us anywhere. We feel like we are going to die without the other person in our lives. The conflict between our Broken Heart and our pride are sorrow and our strength, resolve and devastation has us in turmoil.
Sometimes we are willing to suffer a situation even though we shouldn't because we think the pain of loss will be worse than the pain of enduring it. Sometimes a choice comes up and neither course of action feels good. Well it's true that the person who has harmed you may come to realize how important you are to them in time it may not be worth the wait. More likely, they will discover this after you have moved on
We can't go back. We can't take the stripes off the tiger. But what we can do is learn to accept things as they are. We can look for positive ways to comfort ourselves. We can know that things will get better, naturally on their own. If we decide to stick things out, at least we can be honest with ourselves about the realities of the situation.
*This particular card includes a simple spell to stop a Partners illicit affair. I won't include it here. I should definitely write a post on tarot spells one of these days.